Books and Articles

Why Knocked Up? Book CoverIn Why Knocked Up? The Paradox of Sex, Magical Thinking, and Accidental Pregnancy in This Age of Contraception, Dr. Cassell blends her own research findings with those of psychologists, anthropologists, political scientists, and other reproductive health researchers, to draw a map of the cultural and political forces driving accidental and unwanted pregnancy.
Put Passion First Book CoverIn Put Passion First: How Sexual Chemistry is the Key to Finding and Keeping the Man of Your Dreams, you’ll learn how to open the floodgates of passionate love in your life, whether you’re looking for that special someone or you want to ramp up the sexual chemistry in your current relationship.
swept away book coverIn Swept Away: Why Women Confuse Love and Sex, Dr. Cassell’s straight forward approach helps you see why women need to be “swept off their feet” in order to love; how guilt plays a role in a woman’s inability to stay emotionally detached; and where the myths of Mr. Right and “good” and “bad” girls come from… and more.
tender bargaining book coverTender Bargaining: Negotiating an Equal Partnership With the Man You Love. You walk boldly through career doors your mother wouldn’t even have knocked on, but at home you are still up against a baffling, seemingly impenetrable glass ceiling. Tender Bargaining shows you how to stop behaving in old, predictable ways and put your energy into creating a new kind of intimacy, one that expands your life and honors your commitment to both work and love.
straight from heart book coverStraight From the Heart: How to Talk to Your Teenager About Love and Sex. A candid, never preachy but honest, sensitive and right-in-tune for today’s brave New World of parenting. Carol talks to parents of the sexual revolution who need a contemporary approach to raising their teenagers to be sexually healthy. She offers invaluable “Practice Sessions” to give you an opportunity to initiate comfortable, open, and easy dialogue with your teens instead of the dreaded “talk.”